Convenient One-Stop-Shop for Fuel and Car Wash to Get the Customer Back on the Road Quickly
These sites offer the ability to buy washes at the fuel pump or inside of the convenience store. The customer then receives a receipt with a code and they proceed to the wash entrance. The customer then can enter their code into the unattended kiosk. Once the code is verified, the customer will be instructed to move forward into the wash bay. The equipment at these locations can be a inbay rollover type or a short tunnel. The property typically has paid self service vacuums.

Petroleum Products We Offer

WashAssist is an enterprise software application that combines all of your sites into one solution.
Pegasus Payment Kiosk
The Pegasus Payment Kiosk® is our signature customer-friendly entry payment terminal.
CleanCarPass® RFID
CleanCarPass® RFID system offers convenience to you and your customers alike.
LogicWash Tunnel Controller
Save time and money by managing chemicals and equipment more efficiently.