Our relocation was necessitated by the significant growth our company has realized in the last few years. As our products and solutions have surpassed industry competition, demand has risen – and quickly. Our new office and manufacturing space is significantly larger than our previous offices and offers a more efficient layout. The new facility will support our continued growth and expansion, and provide a better work environment for current and future staff.
Our new location phone number will remain the same at (973) 598-0808. Please take note of the following addresses;
USPS Mailing Address
Micrologic Associates
PO Box 445
Ledgewood NJ 07852-0445
Delivery Address (Common Carrier Delivery – Non USPS)
Micrologic Associates
1895 US Highway 46 West
Ledgewood NJ 07852
Please update your records accordingly and feel free to contact us at (973) 598-0808 should you have any questions.